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Internet Of Things (IoT)

Internet Of Things (IoT)

One of the top 9 tech trends of 2021 is the Internet Of Things (IoT). Many things now being built with Wi-Fi connectivity. That means they can connect to each other as well as can be accessed remotely or by voice. IoT is the future and devices like home appliances, cars and gadgets are using these technology nowadays. People are more attracted towards completing their daily task. With as much ease as possible due to busy schedule. And that’s what makes Internet Of Things (IoT) one of the major needs for today’s generation. The devices which made using IOT exchange data over internet.

As we have seen IOT is already used and benefitting many of its users. Like they can record their fitness level and track it via fitbit gadgets. Like these there are many devices in the market benefitting the users. And making their busy a little or a lot comfortable. It provides us with better security and decision making as it collects and analyze data according to our needs. And gives us better solution that we could not come up with such an ease. It can enable predictive maintenance. Speed up medical care, improve customer care services and offer benefits we haven’t even imagined yet.

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1 Global Spending

2 The trends you may find for smart cities are as follows –

3 Related

Global Spending

Experts suggest that by 2030 around 50 billion of these devices will be use around the world creating a massive interconnected devices spanning everything from smartphones to kitchen appliances. The global spending on the IOT is 1.1 trillion US dollars by 2022.    

We are only at the beginning stages of this new tech trend. There’s a lot more to it like there are many smart cities developed around the world with the help of IOT which only will give better management of trivial things like turning off the light to major problems like traffic. The smart cities investment are to peak $150 billion by 2022. It’s predicted that the by 2023 the 50% of the cities platform will depend on IOT when it comes to city budgeting and decision making.

The trends you may find for smart cities are as follows –

  • Fire protection

The IOT sensors can help detect the fire by the rise in temperature and by screen detectors. It can make the emergency service center aware of the incident before it gets worse and provide firefighters by telling them the safest route to save the victims and also provide them with the solution to control fire effectively without any loss of life. It can also provide the set of instruction to the emergency service as well as the users of the location via app.

  • Parking sensor app

The IOT parking apps can update the user of the vacant parking spaces via sensors and information. It can also in parking the driver aka user by telling the distance of the simple and safe parking and help in parking their by providing the information on objects behind.

  • Waste Management Sensors

The best way to use IOT is managing the waste. The IOT sensors will inform the cleaners the route which needs to be clean and collect the data and after analyzing it would send the update to the workers. It fills level sensors, robotizes and enhances squander the executives frameworks all together that association and conserve and go clean and green.

  • Transportation and congestion sensors  

Smart transportation use IOT sensors to detect traffic congestion and bottle necks. They depend on cameras to implement speed and traffic infractions. These apparatuses gathers data that can utilized by city DOTs to make probability networks more secure and more good.

These were some of the features I include but the list doesn’t stop here IOT is vast field with many future possibilities that are still waiting to implement.


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