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Crime Against Women

Crime Against Women

In India crime against women is increased every year, because of social, political, and economic changes, women lost their status and were relegated to the background. Aggression, violence, and crime against women who comprise about 49 percent of the population is a serious issue for us. India is traditionally a male-dominated country where women have to face various violence in society from ancient times. They are suppressed and subjugated by the men in this patriarchal society. They have been victims of humiliation, exploitation, and torture. The violence is at various levels. It is physical, mental, emotional, domestic, and public. 35% of the women in our country have been a victim of physical or verbal abuse. Nearly 65% of men believe that it’s right to beat women. The exception to IPC sec 375 man raping his wife who is above 15 years of age is not rape.

According to my this sec would be changed because no one has the right to touch her wife without her consent. If he does this, in my point of view is also rape. In India when a girl smoke on the street or hangs out with her male friends, everyone starts stares and

starts judging her character. A girl gets rape on the street, In front of the whole crowd, everyone becomes blind. Shame on such a society. Every year so many rapes and molestation cases are register. I think we should teach the next generation and learn from them.


The example we set for the younger generation shapes the way they think about gender, respect, and human rights. Start a conversation about gender roles, and challenge the traditional features assigned to men and women. To control the crime against women firstly men have to change their attitudes so that women have enough space to develop themselves. If soldiers bleed for the nation then, women bleed for the formation…if one saves the world, then, other creates the ancient times Ravana kidnapped Sita and he never touched her, still, we burn him every year, but

now Indian’s daughter is getting rape every min and we are sitting quietly.

Constitutional and legal provision for women-

The principle of gender equality is enshrine in the Indian constitution in its Preamble. The constitution not grants equality to women but also empowers the state to adopt measures of positive discrimination in favor of women for neutralizing the cumulative socio-economic, educational, al and political disadvantages faced by them. Within the framework of a democratic polity, our laws, development policies, plans, and

programs have aimed at women’s advancement in different spheres. India has also ratified various international conventions and human rights instruments committing to secure equal rights of women. Constitutional provisions for women are as article 14, article, article 15, article 16, article 39(a) (d), article 42.

Although women may be victims of any general crimes such as murder, robbery, cheating, etc. only the crimes which are direct specifically against women have characterize the crime against women. Various new legislations have been bring and

amendment have been make in existing laws with a view to handle these crimes effectively.

These are broadly classified under two categories i.e.

(A) The crimes under the IPC and (B) The crimes under the special and local laws. The crime under IPC, Rape (section 376), Kidnapping and abduction (section 363-373), dowry death (section 302,304B), torture (cruelty by husband and relatives) (section 498-A), molestation (sec- 354), sexual harassment (sec-509), importation of girls (sec 366-B), the crimes under the special and local laws, immoral traffic (prevention) Act,1956, dowry prohibition act, indecent representation of women (prohibition) act. Prevention should start early in life, by educating and working with young boys and promoting respectful relationships and gender equality, and

makes more laws to protect women and fast-track courts for a crime against women.

Training for self-defense/martial arts etc. Capital punishment for heinous crimes like rape and acid attack etc. Violence against women and girls is root in gender-base discrimination and social norms and gender stereotypes that perpetuate such violence. A behemoth social revolution is need to root out this evil from Indian society and

give respect and recognition to our women. It is the responsibility of every citizen to make women feel safe in our society.

Rights of Women

It is the right of every woman to live a dignified and respectful life. Only laws are not sufficient, every citizen should take a pledge to respect every woman. Women are not just mothers, sisters,s or daughters, they are a valuable part of our society due to the important roles they play and duties they perform. Gender equality is the only solution in India; still, they are many people in India who think women are weaker than men. Still, women are not permitt to make decisions for them, women empowerment campaign

is like fresh air in the life of women. Only legislation and law agencies cannot prevent the incident of crime against women.

There is a need for social awakening and change in the attitude of the masses, so that due respect and equal status are give to women. It’s time when the women need to be gives her due. This awakening can be bring by education campaigns among youth making them aware of existing social evils and

the means to eradicate the same. Mass media can play an active role here as in present days it has reached every corner of the nation.

Various NGOs can hold a responsible position here by assigning them with the task of highlighting socio-economic causes leading to such crimes and by disseminating information about their catastrophic effect on womanhood and the society at large. Women empowerment is the need of an hour, especially in a country like India where women are suffering from injustice

to stop crime against women we have to change the mentality of men. Women are also equal to men. They are not weak. We should teach the next generation about gender equality. Because they are the future of our country.


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